Question Asked from me in HCL Technical Interview are:-
1.Introduce your Self?
2. Tell me your Favourite Subject apart C/OOPS?
3. Tell me about your Projects?
4. Does your project can be practically implemented?
5. What are properties of OOPS?
6. Define Computer Networks
7. What is difference between TCP and UDP? Which is Better?
8. What is DeadLock?
9. How deadlocks can be avoided?
10. Finally he gave a Program to Write:-
Write a program to reverse the String in C
HR Interview:-
1. Tell me About yourself in 30 seconds.
2. What are your strengths?
3. Give me an example of your Creativity
4. Tell me About the last movie you have seen?
5. Are you willing to Relocate?
6. Do you want to ask any question?
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