//Program Coded by ASHISH
#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 50 int queue[MAX]; int FRONT=-1; int REAR=-1; void traverse(); void insert(int num); void remov(); void main() { int ch,num,p; clrscr(); do { printf("Press 1 to Print All elements of QUEUE\n"); printf("Press 2 to Insert Element in the Queue\n"); printf("Press 3 to Delete Element from the QUEUE\n"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: { traverse(); break; } case 2: { printf("Enter the Element to be inserted in queue\n"); scanf("%d",&num); insert(num); break; } case 3: { printf("Deleting Element from Queue--FIFO---\n"); remov(); break; } } printf("\nDo you wanna Perform again 1 for yes\n"); scanf("%d",&p); }while(p==1); getch(); } void traverse() { int i; if(FRONT==-1&&REAR==-1) {printf("\nQueue is Empty");} else { printf("Queue is:-\n"); for(i=FRONT;i<=REAR;i++) { printf("\n%d",queue[i]); } } } void insert(int num) { if(FRONT==-1&&REAR==-1) { FRONT=0; REAR=0; queue[FRONT]=num; } else { REAR=REAR+1; queue[REAR]=num; } printf("Element Inserted\n"); } void remov() { if(FRONT==-1&&REAR==-1) {printf("Queue is Empty\n");} else if(FRONT==REAR) { FRONT=-1; REAR=-1; printf("Queue is Empty NOW!!!\n"); } else { FRONT=FRONT+1; } } |